We are sharing our team's discoveries from China's exploding on-line culture. Check out what is being created, talked about, played + filmed from the mainland.

June 24, 2010

China's New Underclass: White-Collar Workers - Newsweek

Ants - the term used for white collar men & women who can't find gainful employment. In a world where there are more university graduates than appropriate jobs, these ants are being surpassed to some degree by blue collar workers whose salary growth is out-pacing that of their white collar counterparts. This raises so many questions... how will the value of higher education change? What will be the make up of China's middle class? What happens to a country that has so many disaffected & overly educated?

June 22, 2010

The Enforcer: Interview with a family planning officer

Che is a family planning officer in Shanxi - a small insight into the other side of the 1 child policy

How China's one-child policy came to be

Critique on one-child policy as it nears its 30 year anniversary

June 16, 2010

Talk is cheap - China PM praises migrants but makes no promises on pay

Will China step up and really care for migrant workers? I wonder what the bloggers are saying about the PMs latest address...

June 14, 2010

Kissing competition with a twist

This is just weird... but "creative kissing" competition took place in Xian. This isn't really insight worthy in most instances, but it does stretch my understanding on how & why Chinese people can express themselves.

June 2, 2010

美过iPhone女 Android女再掀热潮 - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看

美过iPhone女 Android女再掀热潮 - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看

One of the more recent & popular follow ups to IPhone girl - wonderfully talented people covering pop songs with a just mobile & a web cam. Is this (and many other examples) an innocent expression of youth today, or a discrete, low risk effort to become famous? What does this say about the spontaneity and disposability of creative endeavours? Or maybe the kids are just having fun...

Thanks Chinasmack