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May 30, 2010

Mental Health Concerns in China: Where to from here?

Foxconn suicides, coupled with the increasing number of knife attacks against children has brought the world's attention to China's social issues, with a particular lense on mental health. A recent study estimates there are over 100 million Chinese with some kind of mental concern, however nationwide there is only 5% awareness of mental illness. With poor infrastructure, lack of professionals and even weaker laws governing mental illness, there is no telling how the government or social response will evolve from here.

English: http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2010/05/another-attempted-suicide-at-foxconn-company-and-china-look-for-answers/

Chinese article on mental health statisctics: http://news.163.com/10/0529/03/67QQG3420001124J.html

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