We are sharing our team's discoveries from China's exploding on-line culture. Check out what is being created, talked about, played + filmed from the mainland.

May 11, 2010

著姐 “哥时代”进入“姐时代(多图) | 咋骚 - Sister Zhu has netizens talking

著姐 “哥时代”进入“姐时代(多图) | 咋骚 - from Wike

Everyone's talking about Sister Zhu, the cross dresser who's performing in the "Happy Boy" semi-finals. His sexuality is constantly in question, and netizens have responded by rallying around him.

This is just another example of how the spectrum of views and dialogue is continuing to open up in China (and how far Hunan TV will go for ratings).

Why is it interesting?

Is this part of a bigger trend in China?

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